Friday, August 17, 2012

It's been a million years...

But I'm finally ready to begin blogging with regularity again. The boys are walking, But I'm FLYing. (That stands for Finally Loving Yourself.)

Seriously, check out The Flylady sometime if you're needing a personal life coach. She's helping me deal with my side-tracked tendencies, my three messy monsters, and well... I'll let you check that out for yourself if you're interested.

Not my photo.

Anyhooters! I'm blogging again, and I'm going to shoot for posts on Tuesdays and Thursdays and maybe Saturdays. If there are extras, that's great! If I'm a day late, please don't be angry! Toddlers are a busy thing.

I love you guys, thanks for sticking with me!


  1. Yay!! I'm glad you're back in action! I checked your blog yesterday and didn't see anything new so I wondered if you were going to start it up again :D I look forward to your posts. Love you and your 3 monsters! ;)

  2. P.S. I don't know how often you check mine but I have been trying to post more lately too :D
