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Previously, I've always perused our paper's coupons with a half-disappointment at the products that A. My family will never use, B. Are still more expensive than the off-brand, even with the coupon, or C. are terrible coupons. 25 cents off of a 4 dollar product? Get real!
A few days ago, our station paper was delivered. I brought it in and let it gather some dust. This morning, I decided that I needed to throw it out, but "perhaps I should check the coupons first."
WOW! I am so glad that I did. This week's was chock-full of coupons that were relevant to me! Great savings on lotion, herbal tea, Smithfield products, dried pasta, brand-name products for frizzy hair, rice, AH, the list could go on...
I cut them out eagerly and wished for more... but how? I thought back to all my neighborhood walks with the little boys and of all the newspapers left to rot outside.
I gathered all the boys, (the big one is off today!!) and we went for a walk. I didn't feel the least bit guilty when I gathered the abandoned papers on our route. I figure, if you leave it outside for more than half a week, you're obviously not going to use it. I found 10. :) We will probably walk tomorrow in the other part of the neighborhood because I know there are more tea coupons calling to me...
Anyway, I'll let you know how everything turns out! I'm really excited to be able to use these coupons, but I'll have to wait until next week, when I get my AWESOME STAND UP FREEZER!!!