Lo and behold, Hubs was starving and this was approximately the dialog:
J: Babe, I'm starving. What's for dinner? Can I go make something?
Me: No no, I'm going to go start on dinner right now. The boys got me a little off track earlier.
J: How long is this gonna be? I'm STARVING.
LO AND BEHOLD, about 20 minutes later, dinner was in front of him. I had given him the option of dumplings (+ 15 minutes) or wild rice (+1 minute) and he chose to have it right then and there. This soup came together so quickly because I had every component ready and waiting in my fridge or pantry.
I had roasted a chicken two days ago and I'd made some wild rice to go with it. I still hadn't picked the excess meat off of the
Anyway, I took the chicken out of the pot, took the cooled fat off and discarded it, removed the extra consomme jelly from the chicken and put it back in the pot and put it on the stove. I turned the heat to medium and BAM, beautifully flavored broth was waiting for me.
Here's where your pantry stock comes in. You can add just about anything that you have, and it works well! I added a 15 oz can of cream-style corn and a 15 oz can of carrots in their water. The key to fast and flavorful is to make every little bit count!
I tasted the broth after mixing it up and felt it needed a little more body, as well as some creaminess. I added a can of evaporated milk (NOT sweetened condensed milk) and SHAZAM! All the flavor and creaminess of using heavy cream, but a fraction of the calories. I use evaporated milk when I make any sort of creamy soup and it's wonderful (and inexpensive). Optional: I also added a can of condensed cream of chicken soup. Hey, it was raining and I needed a little somethin' somethin' else. I would have preferred to have used cream of celery, but I didn't have any on hand.
Next was the wild rice. *Dump!*
I also added salt and pepper, to my own tastes. The flavoring from the rice and condensed soup did all of the work for me and this was my result: a creamy, flavorful, easy soup in the blink of an eye!
I could have put dumplings in this soup, as I mentioned above. I use the Jiffy baking mix for this when I'm pressed for time and it's very delicious and easy on the cook! The directions on the box are as follows:
Dumplings for Soup
2/3 c baking mix
2.5 c chicken breast
4 c chicken broth
1 can cream-style corn
1 can carrots, undrained
1 can evaporated milk (or 1 c milk + 3 Tbsp butter)
1 can condensed cream of chicken soup
1 box prepared wild rice rice a roni mix (2 cups when prepared) OR equicalent amount of already cooked
barley, white rice, pasta, whatever floats your boat.
salt and pepper to taste
serve with a green salad and some crusty bread and a tall glass of milk!